Monday, 13 January 2014

Heroes of the Storm

For all the DOTA and League of Legends fan, well Blizzard have officially announced that they are going to make one with same game play and mechanics titled Heroes of the Storm. We will go back to the origins where DOTA was created from Warcraft III map editor by IceFrog. Tho DOTA was not an establish game by itself, it won the world by heart. Soon everyone was hooked on it and soon competitions were organize to host and determine the champion. IceFrog is later employed by Valve Corporation to be the lead designer and soon developed the game DOTA 2. The new game is stand-alone sequel to the original scenario. Since this phenomenon game was created on Blizzard platform, Blizzard will not lose out on their piece of share and has decided to create their own version of the game.

Heroes of the storm heroes consist of characters from their Blizzard's main 3 franchises : Diablo, Starcraft and Warcraft. It allows gamers to build and customize heroes from across every Blizzard universe to suit your play style. Team up with your friends and engage in fast-paced mayhem across varied battlegrounds that impact strategy and change the way you play the game.

Each hero offers different strengths and weaknesses depending on their role.

Assassins like Kerrigan deal tremendous damage and can pick off unsuspecting enemies, but must choose their battles carefully, as they can dish more than they can take.

Warriors such as Diablo can dive right into a melee, soaking up damage and dealing it back.

Support heroes like Malfurion can swing the tide of battle, assisting with healing, buffs, or other abilities to manipulate the battle in the favor of allies.

Other types include the siege and commander heroes, which are more specialized roles that bring different strengths as you build a team.

Instead of having just towers, now their be more kick to the game mechanics as towns will be involved. Blizzard has also set various battlegrounds to change the difficulty of each game and for it to be different and challenging. The game producers are focusing alot on teamwork with players for the gamer and not for solo players.

Without Further Ado, Below is the Cinematic Trailer for the game. Hope you guys enjoy it!